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Running a Solver

It is very simple to directly run a solver on a PyCSP$^3$ model. You just have to call the following function:


This will start the solver ACE on the current problem instance. The result of this command is the status of the solving operation, which is one of the following constants:


More specifically, the result is:

  • among UNSAT, SAT, and UNKNOWN for a CSP instance
  • among UNSAT, SAT, OPTIMUM and UNKNOWN for a COP instance

This function solve() accepts several named parameters:

  • solver: name of the solver (ACE or CHOCO)
  • options: specific options for the solver
  • filename: the filename of the compiled problem instance
  • verbose: verbosity level from -1 to 2
  • sols: number of solutions to be found (ALL if no limit)
  • extraction: True if an unsatisfiable core of constraints must be sought

To introduce some illustrations, we need first to import the library PyCSP$^3$:

from pycsp3 import *

As an illustration, let us consider the Warehouse Location Problem (WLP); see the notebook dedicated to this problem for all details. In a first step, we simply consider the decision problem (i.e., the objective is not posted, so, we have a CSP instance). Note that in the model below, we use the function default_data() in order to load a JSON file given by an URL. We write:

fixed_cost, capacities, costs = data or default_data("")  
nWarehouses, nStores = len(capacities), len(costs)

# w[i] is the warehouse supplying the ith store
w = VarArray(size=nStores, dom=range(nWarehouses))

    # capacities of warehouses must not be exceeded
    Count(w, value=j) <= capacities[j] for j in range(nWarehouses)

Then, we run the solver and print the solution if the problem instance is satisfiable (by default, only one solution is sought for a CSP instance). Note that we can display the values assigned to the variables of a specified (possibly multi-dimensional) list by calling the function values().

if solve() is SAT:
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4]

In a terminal, we could execute a command like this one (with a local data file, that has priority over the default remote one):

python -data=warehouse.json

The output is not very friendly/readable, but nothing prevents us from improving that aspect. This is what we do now with a Python f-string, getting the value of individual variables with the function value().

if solve() is SAT:
    for i in range(nStores):
        print(f"Warehouse supplying the store {i} is {value(w[i])} with cost {costs[i][value(w[i])]}")
Warehouse supplying the store 0 is 0 with cost 100
Warehouse supplying the store 1 is 1 with cost 27
Warehouse supplying the store 2 is 1 with cost 97
Warehouse supplying the store 3 is 1 with cost 55
Warehouse supplying the store 4 is 1 with cost 96
Warehouse supplying the store 5 is 2 with cost 29
Warehouse supplying the store 6 is 2 with cost 73
Warehouse supplying the store 7 is 3 with cost 43
Warehouse supplying the store 8 is 4 with cost 46
Warehouse supplying the store 9 is 4 with cost 95

Now, we consider the objective function (and so, we have a COP instance). This is the reason why we check if the status returned when calling solve() is OPTIMUM. Note that the function bound() directly returns the value of the objective function corresponding to the found optimal solution.

    # minimizing the overall cost
    Sum(costs[i][w[i]] for i in range(nStores)) + NValues(w) * fixed_cost

if solve() is OPTIMUM:
    for i in range(nStores):
        print(f"Cost of supplying the store {i} is {costs[i][value(w[i])]}")
    print("Total supplying cost: ", bound())
[4, 1, 4, 0, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2]
Cost of supplying the store 0 is 30
Cost of supplying the store 1 is 27
Cost of supplying the store 2 is 70
Cost of supplying the store 3 is 2
Cost of supplying the store 4 is 4
Cost of supplying the store 5 is 22
Cost of supplying the store 6 is 5
Cost of supplying the store 7 is 13
Cost of supplying the store 8 is 35
Cost of supplying the store 9 is 55
Total supplying cost:  383

One may be worried by the fact that the code mixes modeling and solving parts. Interestingly, we can make a clear separation as described now. First, we write the model in the file ‘’:

from pycsp3 import *

fixed_cost, capacities, costs = data  
nWarehouses, nStores = len(capacities), len(costs)

# w[i] is the warehouse supplying the ith store
w = VarArray(size=nStores, dom=range(nWarehouses))

    # capacities of warehouses must not be exceeded
    Count(w, value=j) <= capacities[j] for j in range(nWarehouses)

    # minimizing the overall cost
    Sum(costs[i][w[i]] for i in range(nStores)) + NValues(w) * fixed_cost

Then, we write the solving part in a file ‘’:

from Warehouse import *

if solve() is OPTIMUM:
    for i in range(nStores):
        print(f"Cost of supplying the store {i} is {costs[i][value(w[i])]}")
        print("Total supplying cost: ", bound())

Then, in a terminal, we can execute:

python -data=warehouse.json

If for some reasons, it is better to set data in the file containing the solving part, we can modify sys.argv The file ‘’ becomes:

import sys


from Warehouse import *

if solve() is OPTIMUM:
    for i in range(nStores):
        print(f"Cost of supplying the store {i} is {costs[i][value(w[i])]}")
    print("Total supplying cost: ", bound())

Then, we can simply execute (do note that the option -data is not used):


As another illustration, let us consider one of the two models, introduced (without variants) for the Queens problem; see the notebook dedicated to this problem for all details.

n = data or 8

# q[i] is the column where is put the ith queen (at row i)
q = VarArray(size=n, dom=range(n))

if not variant():

        # controlling no two queens on the same upward diagonal
        AllDifferent(q[i] + i for i in range(n)),

        # controlling no two queens on the same downward diagonal
        AllDifferent(q[i] - i for i in range(n))

If we write this solving code:

import sys
# or if you want to use pip
!{sys.executable} -m pip install chess.svg
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement chess.svg (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for chess.svg

import sys
import chess.svg

if solve() is SAT:
    solution = values(q)  # for example: [0, 4, 7, 5, 2, 6, 1, 3]
    board = chess.Board("/".join(("" if v == 0 else str(v)) + "q" + ("" if v == n - 1 else str(n - 1 - v)) for v in solution) + ' b KQkq - 0 1')
    with open('chess.svg', 'w') as f:
        f.write(chess.svg.board(board, size=350))

ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)

Cell In[8], line 2
      1 import sys
----> 2 import chess.svg
      4 if solve() is SAT:
      5     solution = values(q)  # for example: [0, 4, 7, 5, 2, 6, 1, 3]

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'chess'

Then, by means of the package chess.svg, we can generate the rendering of the solution to the 8 queens problem in a SVG file: Chess